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Bow to Stern Cleaning for Holding Tanks Practical Sailor Practical Sailor 2

Take a minute to browse through these common questions from customers just like you.

When are we adding new products?

Stay tuned - New products coming soon!

How do BacTANK T3® products work?

All of our products use all-natural and safe bacteria to eliminate odors and perform some of the toughest cleaning tasks. Bacteria are present everywhere in our environment, such as in drinking water, streams, rivers, lakes, and soil. We use non-pathogenic bacteria that are responsible for the removal and purification of all waste material from the soil and water through their biological oxidation process. When bacteria-based products are placed in an application and waste is introduced, the bacteria produce enzymes that convert the waste into a food source for the bacteria. Naturally-occurring bacteria degrade the waste or other problematic material. Our bugs produce enzymes that break down the waste or other "food source" in an environmentally-friendly process. Our microbes are 100% viable and are intended to be used in bio-augmentation, bio-remediation, and in-situ operations.

How is BacTANK T3® different from competitors?

Our "bugs" or bacteria are naturally-occurring and are not engineered. Nearly all other cleaning products currently used—apart from our environmentally safe "bugs"—have harsh chemicals that negatively affect the environment and even the health of those who use them. These harsh chemicals not only impact our environment but can also cause damage to customers' waste management systems. Harsh chemicals kill the normal, biological action that should be taking place in holding tanks, pump-out stations, septic tanks, and drain fields.

Our bacteria are facultative, meaning that our bugs are effective with or without oxygen. Many competitive biological products need oxygen to survive. For the consumer, our facultative bugs will keep reducing waste and odors even in poorly ventilated applications.

Our formulary of BacTANK T3® products combines environmentally-safe chemistry with naturally-beneficial microbiology. The resulting dual-action products are both effective and bio-active in cleaning, odor control, and waste degradation.

Who should use BacTANK T3®?

A complete line of biodegradable products are available for various sized boats, RVs, yachts, houseboats, restaurants, lift stations, septic systems, agricultural processes, commercial vessels, municipalities, and offshore rigs, as well as other numerous aquatic and marina applications.

In short, anyone interested in removing waste, problematic materials, and odors without harming the environment will benefit from using BacTANK T3® 

What are some different types of bacteria?

Bacteria are either non-pathogenic, meaning harmless and abundant in nature, or pathogenic, meaning harmful but not as abundant. Microbes used in holding tanks are either live-vegetative or spore-forming. The live-vegetative type is useful but also has limitations, as it is more fragile and dies more quickly than the hardier spore bacteria. The spore form is encapsulated and waiting to be called into action. We use a naturally-occurring spore form of non-pathogenic bacteria in our products.

How are our bugs chosen?

Different bacteria produce different enzymes based on the waste for other problematic material present. Said more plainly: different bugs degrade different waste. Scientists separate the specific bacteria that produce the correct enzymes to convert the waste into food for the bacteria.

How does the use of the correct bacteria affect the breakdown of unwanted materials?

As previously mentioned, when bacteria-based holding tank products are placed in the holding tank, and waste is introduced, the bacteria produce enzymes that convert the waste into a food source for the bacteria. The bacteria need this food source to reproduce. The correct bacteria produce the correct enzymes. Thus, the cycle keeps on working until all waste is destroyed, and the bacteria die when nothing is left to eat. The end product of this bacterial action is water and carbon dioxide, thereby completing nature's cycle, which, in turn, creates a fully biodegradable process without harsh chemicals.

What are the environmental advantages of using BacTANK T3®?

Our products dissipate odors and liquefy organic human waste without damaging the environment with harsh chemicals. This happens whether the material is discharged offshore or held in tanks to be disposed of at a pump-out facility. Due to waterborne diseases and shellfish contamination, humans can also suffer health risks due to the inadequate processing of sewage in marine areas. Furthermore, sewage acts as a fertilizer and increases algal growth, which blocks needed sunlight for important nursery vegetation for young fish. Bio-enzymatic or bio-formulation BacTANK T3® products are the most environmentally-friendly way to treat waste and odor problems in numerous applications. They treat the waste by turning it into a liquid while destroying the bacteria that cause odors.

Is there a correct process when switching from a harsh chemical to BacTANK T3®?

Yes. There is a "best practice" method for a customer who has previously used a harsh chemical but wishes to switch to our biological product.

  1. Pump out the holding tank.
  2. Fill with clean water.
  3. Add 6 - 8oz. of baking soda. The amount depends on the size of your tank
  4. Take the boat out for a bit, and "Sally Ship" to disperse baking soda or grab 3-4 of your biggest friends and rock the boat.
  5. Pump out the tank and if able, rinse with water and pump out out again. This step may need to be repeated until tank is as empty as possible.  If there is "cake" build up there are addidional steps needed.
  6. Add 1-2 inches of clean water to cover the bottom of the tank. Add 6 - 8oz. of the BacTANKT3 ® Holding Tank product to the tank
  7. Begin BacTANK T3® regimine: After every pump out, add 6-8oz.  of Holding Tank Product to your tank(s). 
  8. Let you nose be your guide!  You can never use too much of our  products.
  9.  *It is highly advised that when using the Holding Tank product to also use our  SafeScrub® Product to clean inside the Marine Head. SafeScrub ® also has microbes that work with the Holding Tank Product not against it (killing the good bugs) .